Friday, 18 October 2013

single and multi camera

Single camera vs multi camera
Single camera
Single camera is when you use one camera to video your shoot. You use the one camera to shoot all the different shots such as close up, landscape shots and many more. For every different shot you need to set up the camera and make sure the angle is perfect and that you have you camera in the right place. It is very important that you have to make sure you haven’t missed out any shots and that you have the perfect shot. I think that the single camera shot is a very time based technique but the quality is at a high standard. When it comes to when you use single camera shots they are mainly used in films and movies as the quality of the image is ten times better.
The positives of using single camera are that you can set up your individual shots to make sure they are perfect. Also the final outcome of the shots are very high standard and the individual shots come together to make a great scene. Also there is more control for the director so the get the outcome they want.
The negatives for using single camera is that is very expensive, it is expensive because it is very time consuming which means you have to pay the actors and actresses for over time. Also you have to do so many shots which means it is very time consuming and can be very tiring and irritating.
However I think single camera is the best technique as the final outcome is better than multi camera.

Multi camera
Multi camera Is when you use more than one camera to shoot. This technique is a lot simpler as you don’t need to set up certain shots as each camera will be set to one certain shot. the two outer cameras shoots the close ups and the detailed shots. The two central cameras shoot the basics and are named the master cameras. The fact that there is four different cameras doing four different jobs makes the technique and a lot quicker. Soap operas use these mostly as it means the shot can be done ten times quicker and it will end up being cheaper on the long run.
the positives of using multi camera is that you can get your shots quicker and you can get them broadcasted a lot quicker than you would with one camera. Also this technique is a lot cheaper in the long run as you can get the shots done quicker which means no more money getting paid out to actresses for working overtime. And you can get things done is a smaller time scale.
The negative for using multi camera is that the quality won’t be there, that is because you don’t have the control of the shots and you have less control on the lighting and set up. It is also more expensive to set up however it does change within the long run.

Friday, 4 October 2013

TASK 4 - camera shots and camera movements

we have looked at the different camera shots and movements and looked in debth what they mean.

xla/els = extreme long shot
              - a extreme long shot is when the photo has a extreme wide angle, it is shot at long-rang and / or using short focal lenght lens, showing a braod vest panoramic view. this camera shot is mainly used to set the sceen.

LS= long shot
        - is when the sujects full body , head to toe is in the frame. This is used to identify the character and where they fit in the scene.

CU=close up 
        -is the head of the subject, this is used to show emotion the of character and that sets the sceen.

XCU/EXU= extreme close up
                  - this si a intense shot to show emotion, 9 times out o 10 shows the eye for a sad emotion.

MS= mid shot
       - the mid shot shows the subect in more detail and to give you a better impression of the camera.

TS= two shot
       -is when you have two people in the frame and it shows the relationship between them. 

we have created a video of the different camera shots, for example zoom, tracking shot and a pam shot.