Name: Bethan Hardy
Production: Single VS multi camera essay
Team: Gemma,Bethan,Rachel And Demi
Sheet no. 1
Date: 20/09/2013
Location: College
Time (from – to): 1:00pm – 4:30pm
Activities: Completing the essay
Personal Roles & Responsibilities Undertaken:
I researched into single and multi-camera settings and had to find the descriptions. Advantages and disadvantages and the places that they are usually used. I then had to write up an essay about both of them also stating the similarities and differences between the two.
Brief Description of Experiences: (including problems encountered, teamwork, & what had been learned)
I found this task quite easy and I found the information easy to find. I really enjoyed this task and think the internet helped with it .
Date: 27/09/2013
Location: College
Time (from – to): 1:00pm – 4:30pm
Activities: Presenting moving image formats
Personal Roles & Responsibilities Undertaken:
I researched the different types of moving image format and described the advantages and the disadvantages of the moving image format. I then went on to presenting it on a PowerPoint presentation.
Brief Description of Experiences: (including problems encountered, teamwork, & what had been learned)
The only problem I encountered was finding the correct image format. This was an independent activity. I learnt about the different types of moving image formats
Date: 04/10/2013
Location: college
Time (from – to): 1:00pm-4:30pm
Activities: Making a video to show camera movement
Personal Roles & Responsibilities Undertaken:
Me and demi went out to go and video the different movements of the camera using objects in the college. The different movements where zoom in and out, panning, tilt and track in and out and some other. Then edited the video together
Brief Description of Experiences: (including problems encountered, teamwork, & what had been learned)
We found the videoing part easy to do as it was pretty straight forward, however when it came to editing it became a lot more difficult as it was a full new programme which we would have to adapt to .
Date: 18/10/2013
Location: College
Time (from – to): 1:00pm-4:30pm
Activities: Making a mind map
Personal Roles & Responsibilities Undertaken:
We first decided on a song to focus our video on. When we decided on the video we then made a mind map which would show all the props,actors,locations and shots we were going to use. Gemma was writing so I and the two other girls pitched ideas to her and tried to think of different and good ideas.
Brief Description of Experiences: (including problems encountered, teamwork, & what had been learned)
We found it hard to decide on a song as not all of the group was here, once we had decided on a song and planned the mind map we changed our minds so that gave us more work to do and we were behind. When doing the mind map we were trying not to get too carried away as we needed to be reliable as we only have a limited amount of time. Also we wanted to make sure the everything was possible.
Date: 15/11/2013
Location: College
Time (from – to): 1:00pm – 4:30pm
Activities: Music video pitch
Personal Roles & Responsibilities Undertaken:
We together made the presentation on our ideas with props, actors, Locations and the types of shots we were going to use in the video. I mentioned the inspiration and also the sort of clips we would be including in the video. I then presented it to the class with Gemma. We had to explain each stage of our project in detail so the class could understand and so we knew we had everything underway.
Brief Description of Experiences: (including problems encountered, teamwork, & what had been learned)
It was hard to put together a pitch when not all of the team was here and it was a group decision so that was a problem. We learnt how to present a pitch and also how to improve on our pitch after the feedback was given. I found it hard pitching in front of the class aswell I found it quite nerve racking.
Date: 15/11/2013 – 21/01/2014
Location: College
Time (from – to):
Activities: Pre production documentation
Personal Roles & Responsibilities Undertaken:
I was putting our presentation and video on our blogs for the first half then I had to make my own version of the children’s permission form so we could use them in our video.
Brief Description of Experiences: (including problems encountered, teamwork, & what had been learned)
Again the only problem was the other group members not turning up for sessions, we had problems gaining access to a local dojo and also to film people under the age of 18 which we didn’t manage to do. So we didn’t end up needing the permission forms.
Date: 17/01/2014
Location: Millennium bridge and college
Time (from – to): 1:00pm – 4:30pm
Activities: Filming more clips
Personal Roles & Responsibilities Undertaken:
I was in control of telling the actors what times to go into the shot and also directing them on what to do and how they could improve. I also done that when it came to going into the dance studio and I think I handled it well.
Brief Description of Experiences: (including problems encountered, teamwork, & what had been learned)
It was hard to arrange the clips and see if we had enough time in the day to finish the clips. When filming outside we also forgot the battery to the camera and brought a broken tripod so we weren’t able to use a camera. It was difficult trying to get the actors in one place as well as they all had different thing to do.
Date: 24/01/2014
Location: College
Time (from – to): 1:00pm-4:30pm
Activities: Editing
Personal Roles & Responsibilities Undertaken:
I edited the start of the film by getting help off Gary so knew how to mark in and out to stop and start the clips of the video that were set to the music. I also helped out with ideas and painted the round cards and the name cards for the video. Also took pictures of the cards so we could put them in the video then and there.
Brief Description of Experiences: (including problems encountered, teamwork, & what had been learned)
It was hard to get the hang of the editing programme but once I did, it was easy. There wasn’t much teamwork as the editing was only done on one computer. So I decided to go and do the cards as I couldn’t really go on the computer at the same time as Gemma.
Date: 31/01/14
Location: College
Time (from – to): 1:00pm-4:30pm
Activities: Final editing
Personal Roles & Responsibilities Undertaken:
I done all the green screen part and finished the video with the title part. Then gemma went on to publish the blog.
Brief Description of Experiences: (including problems encountered, teamwork, & what had been learned)
When I went to import my video onto my blog it kept appearing with an error and I was unable to add the video without restarting my computer and when I logged back on I had to add the video again. Also green screening isn’t exactly the easiest task so I had to get help from Gary. Also with their being green on the umbrella there is gaps on it . I found the final title part pretty easy.
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